

Blue Sky Flyball Teams welcomes all members of all abilities; experienced handlers and dogs or completely new to flyball. We have an open-minded approach where all members have their say and get involved – ‘blue sky thinking’. We train with positivity towards each other and are always positive rewards based towards our dogs. Our dogs and their enjoyment come first. This is a team sport and where possible all team members are expected to help all other members achieve the common goal of enjoyment of the sport for their dogs and themselves together as a team. We welcome and encourage young handlers, they must be supported by an adult at all times until of an age or ability to compete in the ring without a guardian as set out by the British Flyball Association (16).


Dogs must be kept on lead until ready to train or compete. At training dogs are kept in cars, where possible, until ready to warm up prior to training, this allows each dog their own time to train without distractions, when required. All dog fouling must be encouraged away from training/competition areas and picked up and disposed of ASAP. At the polo grounds it may be required to take dog foul off site with you. Avoid dogs urinating on equipment, if this does occur, notify a team member who can disinfect this area to stop other dogs copying. Close contact between dogs is only permitted on prior agreement between handlers and may vary depending on the status of the dogs. Dogs in competition mode are very excited and therefore often should not be allowed to interact with each other as this can lead to miss communication and aggression. Once your dog has trained, cool your dog down then return to the car. Then return back to training to help other dogs and handlers achieve their training goals.


It is of paramount importance to us that our dogs are fit and well enough to not just compete at flyball but to enjoy it. Sadly a well trained dog, eager to please its owner, will, despite injury, continue to complete flyball runs. Warm up is an important part of training, injuries are more common when a dog is not adequately prepared for activity. Information on how to warm up your dog is on the training section of our website, each handler is responsible for ensuring their dog is warmed up adequately prior to their training or competition runs. Should your dog sustain an injury or show signs of injury or sickness it is essential they are rested from flyball and then signed off by your vet as fit to return to sport before returning to training or competition. Should your dog show any signs of difficulty or injury at training or competition noted by a team member you may be asked to stop training or retire from competition and seek medical attention prior to returning. Failure to do this may lead to membership review as it is essential to the dogs health and wellbeing that they are well enough to enjoy the demands of this sport without causing them harm. Your dog must be fit and healthy to engage in the sport of flyball, your dog and yourselves compete at your own risk and Blue Sky Flyball Teams cannot be held responsible for any injuries sustained by yourself or your dog during training or competitions.


It is essential that each dog is up to date with their annual vaccinations against Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza and Kennel cough. Our dogs regularly mix, share tennis balls, equipment and often water bowls, in order to prevent outbreaks of preventable disease vaccinations should be adhered to. Please speak to your vet to ensure they are fully vaccinated and these vaccines are given annually. If there is a reason why your dog cannot be vaccinated then discuss their risk with your vet and please notify us. Kennel Cough If your dog contracts Kennel cough you must notify the team captain ASAP. The dog showing signs must isolate for 21 days and the team must isolate for 14 days from the date of last contact with this dog – no training or competitions. The rules and guidelines set out by the British Flyball Association must be followed at all times. Vomiting or Diarrhoea If your dog develops signs of vomiting or diarrhoea no matter the cause, your dog should not attend training or competitions for 48 hours following the cessation of signs. This is to prevent an outbreak of signs in the rest of the team. Bitches in Season Bitches in season are not allowed to train or to compete at competitions, any bitch who has whelped must have fully weaned her litter of puppies and have undergone adequate physical conditioning and training before returning back to competition.


Dogs learn best through repetition of regular training, we do appreciate that there may be times you cant make it but regular attendance is essential for progression. You may be asked to do some training at home in the week to help with progression. Training sessions are kept short and positive for dogs and handlers. Training times will be sent out on a Monday for the following weekend. Please let us know asap if you are unable to attend. We all work as a team for training  and help each other. There is more information about training on our website.


There are different levels of entry at flyball competitions. We will advise you on the best way forward for your individual dog, we want the competition to be a positive experience for you both and for the other team dogs and handlers you are racing with. We can not replicate the competition environment at training therefore competitions may bring up more training needs for you and your dog. As you and your dog gain confidence you will move up the different levels at a pace that is right for you both. Flyball is a team sport please remember your fellow team mates, they may not be able to compete in a competition if you pull out when you have made a commitment to attend. (You will still be charged for the competition if you have committed) There is more information about competitions on our website.


Our subs are currently £16 a month. There is no further fee to pay no matter how many (or few) training mornings you attend. The only other costs would be if you wanted to enter a competition, camping fees at acompetition and contribution to hire cost for an indoor trainng venue.  For Young handlers we appreciate that attendance in consecutive weeks may be more difficult for parents and children and so training sessions are offered for £5.00 per visit.  

Account Name: Blue Sky Flyball Teams

Account Number: 48852062

Sort Code: 30-98-97

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